You have severe, unstable or uncontrolled asthma.

If you miss more than one tablet of ODACTRA, contact your doctor before restarting. Take the next tablet at your normal scheduled time the next day.
ALK imposes no restrictions on the manner in which healthcare providers provide services, and healthcare providers exercise their professional judgment to determine the best form of treatment for their patients.

There are no restrictions that would exclude a healthcare provider from continuing to be listed on the Doc Finder except that ALK may remove from the Doc Finder healthcare providers that are no longer experienced in all methods of FDA-approved immunotherapy or actively practicing. In particular, healthcare providers do not pay a fee to be included on the Doc Finder. ALK does not have a relationship, financial or otherwise with the healthcare providers included in the Doc Finder, except that it may provide information about allergy immunotherapy treatments to healthcare providers from time to time, and some of the healthcare providers serve as paid consultants to ALK. While this list is updated periodically and ALK does not exclude any healthcare providers with experience with all methods of FDA-approved immunotherapy, it may not include all healthcare providers with experience with all methods of FDA-approved allergy immunotherapy in your area, and it does not include all allergy specialists in your area.
The Doc Finder includes healthcare providers with experience with all methods of FDA-approved allergy immunotherapy, and the particular healthcare providers listed for you are located within your geographic area based on your ZIP code.